Young graduates of the Transformational Leadership Academy work to disseminate Human Rights in Nampula

As part of the celebration of International Human Rights Day, Transformational Youth MOVE, TYMOVE, a group of young leaders trained by the Transformational Leadership Academy, held a lecture aimed at the dissemination of Human Rights. The activity was held in Namicopo, in the city of Nampula, and brought together community leaders, religious people, young people, and individuals.

Namicopo is considered to be one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city of Nampula, which directly or indirectly affects its residents negatively, as they are related to crime.

This stigma has made Namicopo “isolated”, so much so that the neighborhood is rarely covered by social programs or initiatives aimed at promoting its development, thus violating the principle of the right to equality and dignity. During the lecture, the community manifested a complete lack of knowledge about Human Rights, which makes it vulnerable to any violations.

Previous Jovens formados pela Academia de Liderança Transformacional trabalham na disseminação de Direitos Humanos em Nampula