Strengthening the Capacities for Youth Agency for Local Development and Social Cohesion in Chimbunila, Niassa

T he district of Chimbunila borders with the city of Lichinga, to the north with the districts of Lago, Sanga and Muembe, to the west with Lake Niassa and the Republic of Malawi, to the south with the district of N’gauma and to the east with the district of Majune. With an area of 3,494 km2, Chimbunila comprises two administrative posts and five villages: the administrative post of Chimbunila, with three villages, and the administrative post of Lione, with two villages1 . Its population is estimated at 72,500 inhabitants, according to the INE 2007census2 .  
Previous Fortalecendo as capacidades da agência da juventude para o desenvolvimento local e coesão social em Chimbunila, Niassa