Locating yourself as a youth leader in transformation – The way of the borboleta

It is with so much pleasure to be witnessing these young men and women from Nampula, Niassa and Cabo Delgado having come this far today. Let me first congratulate you for completing the Transformational Leadership Academy Course. And also thank the organizers for creating this space for these young people. For 12 weeks, you have denied yourselves some pleasures and made that sacrifice to attend this course with resource persons taking you through five leadership training modules as well as helping and guiding you with your leadership change making projects. Like I said yesterday, you would be receiving certificates to show that indeed you have been equipped with the necessary tools for change and transformation. And I urged you not to use that as an additional decoration and upgrade on your CVs with which you are going to be roaming from office to office or people to people begging and pushing for a space.

Previous Localizando-se como um líder de jovens em transformação – o caminho da borboleta*