- As part of the IGUAL Program, the CDD organized on October 31, in Maputo, a debate on the theme ‘’Advocacy for safeguarding the right to manifest and review of the law that regulates the exercise of the right to manifest’’. The right to manifest is provided for in the Constitution of the Republic and is regulated by Law no. 9/91, of 18 July, partially amended by Law no. 7/2001, of 7 July
The purpose of the demonstration is the public expression of a will on a) political matters; b) social; c) of public interest; d) or others. The right to manifest does not require authorization and must only be preceded by a written notice to the civil and police authorities of the territorial district where the demonstration is intended to take place.
From the debate, it became clear that demonstrations that offend the Constitution of the Republic, law, morals, good customs, and rights of third parties, as well as those with abusive occupation of public or private spaces, with the possession of bladed weapons, cannot be allowed, that occurs less than 100 meters from the headquarters of sovereign bodies, political parties, consulates and embassies, military installations, and prisons.