First ideas launched for the proposed
beneficial ownership law in Mozambique

The event was attended by several personalities, especially the Permanent Secretary of the MJACR, Manuel Didier Malunga, and the Director of OXFAM Mozambique, Romão Xavier, who was responsible for making the opening notes. The debate panel was composed by Artur Manhiça, representative of the MJACR, Paulo Munguambe, representative of the Financial Information Office of Mozambique (GIFiM), Arlindo Matavel, from the Registry of Legal Entities (CREL), Hermenegildo Chiure, representing the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights and Legality of the Assembly of the Republic, Favou Ime, regional manager of Open Ownership, Francis Kairu, researcher at TJNA, and David Ferreira, researcher at CDD.

Previous Attribution of the land of the former Fish Market to former Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina proves the illegality of the expropriation