Attribution of the land of the former Fish Market to former Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina proves the illegality of the expropriation

Afew days after the CDD1 revealed the elites of the Executive and the Judiciary who exploit the land where for decades the Maputo Fish Market operated, in an informal way, the former Prime Minister, Alberto Vaquina, told Carta de Moçambique2 that the space was allocated to him by the Municipality of Maputo following his request for land for housing. To escape the controversy. Vaquina said that when he applied for land for housing, he did not know that he would receive the space where the former Fish Market used to work.

In the interview, the former Prime Minister did not say when he submitted the request for land for housing in the Municipality of Maputo and when he received the allocation of space for the former Fish Market. The former ruler goes further by devaluing the controversy surrounding the matter, stating that he followed all legal procedures and that his political position did not influence the decision of the Municipality of Maputo3 .

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