The elites of the Government and the Judiciary who took the space of the former Maputo Fish Market

In the place where the Maputo Fish Market operated for decades, in an informal way, a real estate project is being born, whose works started in May 2022 and end in May 2024. The residential and commercial building, which is a few meters of Marginal de Maputo, is owned by Cooperativa Vila Praia, Lda, a limited company incorporated in May 2020, with a share capital of 500,000 Meticais.

Cooperativa Vila Praia, Lda has 10 members, each with a stake equivalent to 50,000 Meticais. On one hand, it is not new that the space disputed by the former vendors had been allocated to the Frelimo elite, on the other hand it’s surprising to see the presence of former members of the Government, adviser judges (in active and retired), former Attorney General of the Republic and academics in the shareholder structure of Cooperativa Vila Praia, Lda.

Previous As elites do Governo e do Judiciário que ficaram com o espaço do antigo Mercado de Peixe de Maputo