Criminals use homemade bomb and set fire to the facilities of Canal de Moçambique

Around 8pm on Sunday, August 23rd, unknown people, so far, broke into Canalmoz and Canal de Moçambique newspaper facilities, poured fuel on all the furniture and computers and set off a homemade bomb. The fire reduced to ashes all the goods that were in the facilities where the most critical newspaper to the Government of Frelimo was produced.

The Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) strongly condemns the attack on the facilities of Canalmoz and Canal de Moçambique and expresses its solidarity with the owners and employees of both publications. This attack represents a serious blow to the freedom of the press, one of the foundations of democracy. For this reason, CDD demands a serious and in-depth investigation into this attack against democracy.

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Previous Malfeitores usam bomba artesanal e incendeiam instalações do Canal de Moçambique