Public Prosecutor’s Office should deal with true crimes and not with humorous staging

What was supposed to be a simple staging by minors portraying the despicable behavior of Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) agents, particularly those in Traffic, ended up becoming the “big agenda” of recent times for the Public Ministry in Manica. From the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP), society expects answers to the crimes that devastate the country, to the great corruption that lacerates the State, and to the blatant violations of human rights, and not persecution of minors who have done nothing but express, through fiction, a phenomenon that has become frequent in the daily lives of Mozambicans: illegal collections and other acts of corruption committed by PRM agents.

It all started when, in an episode described by art critics as a highly humorous performance, three minors portrayed the reprehensible behavior of PRM agents, in this case, Traffic Police agents, known for acts of extortion, illegal collections, and other manifestations of corruption that they practice on Mozambican roads. In a five-minute video that went viral on social media, three minors describe a typical thief-police scenario.

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